Discovering Lithotherapy
Lithotherapy offers an approach to well-being where emotional balance is as important as physical health. It uses the energy of stones and crystals to help restore the balance between body and mind. The stones help us to identify our physical and emotional blocks and understand their causes, so that we can work through them. They contribute to our personal development by calming our emotions, strengthening our abilities and protecting us.

We choose our stones according to our needs, so that the body and mind can be aligned on a daily basis.
According to your needs
You can choose different stones each day, according to your current needs. Trust your instinct and choose the stones that reflect how you feel.

Listen to your intuition
Each morning, ask yourself "which stone(s) do I need today?" and let your intuition guide you.
Six essential stones to have in your daily life:
to calm your emotions A gentle, comforting stone that helps you deal with your emotions, and soothes heartache

to manage stress The ultimate ally to counter fear and anxiety, amethyst calms the mind and helps you sleep better

to stimulate creativity This is a real source of energy that stimulates new ideas and develops the capacity for expression

to develop your intuition This stone of inner peace helps to eliminate restrictive beliefs and strengthen self-esteem

to protect yourself from negativity This acts as a powerful shield against all sources of negativity and protects the mind from exhaustion

to harmonise your energies A symbol of well-being and serenity, it provides balance and fosters introspection
Using these stones in daily life:
Stones can be easily integrated into your routine so that you make the most of their energies every day.
In daytime, you can carry them in a pocket or a bag, or place them near you. They can also be integrated into practices and rituals like yoga, meditation and relaxation. At night you can place them on your bedside table or under the pillow.
How to purify your stones
To purify your crystals, use a sage or Palo Santo stick. Light one end of the stick until a flame forms. Blow it out, then pass each of your stones through the smoke for a few moments. This will free them of all the energy accumulated over the past few days. You will then be able to receive their beneficial effects. Repeat this operation every week or whenever you feel the need.
How to recharge your stones
Use natural sunlight to recharge your crystals. Place them in direct light or near a window so that they can soak up the rays for a few minutes. Do this with morning light if possible, as it is gentler on the crystals. Repeat this operation after each purification. You can also take advantage of the full moon to recharge your stones with lunar energy.